Strategies for Hybrid Worship Services

Are you awaiting the second coming of church? That day when COVID is over and all churches will once again be together in spirit and in person?
Churches around the world are in different phases of re-opening following the initial wave of COVID-19 and its aftershocks. With the likelihood that any vaccine is still a year off, it seems similarly likely that churches will find themselves in “hybrid mode” for at least that long too.
Many church leaders are more than ready to welcome people back into sanctuaries, to see faces, shake hands, offer hugs. For many, the people are a big reason they became pastors in the first place. And they are understandably focused on keeping everyone safe when they walk back in those doors. But that focus may risk distracting some leaders from considering what their hybrid churches will need over the coming year.
It would be easy to keep live-streaming services and wait for that “someday” reunion. It would also be a mistake. Despite some who have dubbed the pandemic “The Great Pause,” the gospel calls us to be patient, but it doesn’t call us to be idle.
So what should we spend our time doing?
Read the rest at FaithTech Institute.